Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Spiderwebs..

I was committed to get some sewing done today. I grabbed a piece of dove chocolate before I started sewing, and the inside message was 'Make peace for yourself'
I told hubby I was 'punching out' for an hour, and went to make a few spiderweb blocks.

Finished up 4 more blocks, bringing the total to 8 of 99 needed. I am going to make a queen size quilt, 90x110, and am planning to have it ready to be quilted by the end of June.
I cut up all of my scraps into strips when I made my first blocks, and I actually have another full bag of scraps I need to cut up already!

Once I got going, it was hard to want to stop, lets see if I can limit myself to 4 a week!


Adrienne said...

Wow, the block look great! Preparing quilt blocks is so satisfying that it can be hard to stop! I look forward to following your progress :)

PicassoCreations said...

Beth, I love how you told your Hubby that you were 'punching out for an hour'!!! LOL, I'll have to try that...

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