Tuesday, November 8, 2011


My sewing machine broke over the weekend. Perhaps I was sewing a bit too frantically, and my machine jammed up with little lint balls. I did quite the aggressive cleaning and I guess (ahem..) ended up knocking loose a part of my bobbin bracket buffer. So, to keep busy I cut up lots of fabric over the past few days for various projects I've had in mind.
Except these.. This is a quite tall pile of 5" charms with no real project lined up for them. I ironed out my garbage bag (yes, garbage bag) of scraps and went crazy cutting 5" charms.

(this pile reaches 1/4 up the height of my window!)
While not completely original, I saw Jenny stash/scrap cutting piles away into charms awhile ago and I loved the idea. I can see some little patchwork quilts coming out of the pile, or at the very least the ability to use these fabric much sooner than if they were hidden away in my scrap bin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's a great idea! I try to cut my scraps as I go into what I think of as usable sizes, anything from 2-5" in 1/2" increments

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