Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WIP Wednesday

Making some felt food! I haven't made anything in months, and I forgot how fun it was to make some of this! This is for an etsy order that I am putting together. I have half of the cakes done, just need to make the chocolate. I also still need to make some farfalle pasta and some raviolis. Then just stuff and a lot of hand sewing!
I plan on posting some tutorials to some felt food in the next few days.. Does anyone know how to attach a pdf file onto blogger? Or a site I can upload it to as a host? Or some other way to link to a pdf picture of the templates needed?
Also, if anyone would like any certain felt food tutorial posted, let me know and I will see what I can do!


Kris said...

If you don't find a place to host your pdf, you could always make the templates into jpgs and post them on flickr...

Josie said...

Ah- that is how I found this blog in the first place- searching for felt food! Love it and would love to see a tut!

Jennifer said...

Google docs might work, but I use skydrive. It requires a hotmail account, but I have a lot of documents downloaded onto it. Use it to create backups of the stuff I REALLY don't want to lose as well.

Brother See, Sisters Do said...

Just visiting your 'customer' tonight...they are super excited for their felt food:)

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