Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Yesterday you turned 3.
I don't know how I haven't realized this, but you are a little boy now..
This time next year you will be starting preschool.
You can be such a ham, and such an energetic little spaz sometimes.
You call yourself 'mister pot', and I think this stemmed somewhere from Bob the builder..
It is adorable though.
You are so reserved around new people, and new situations only scare you. You will just cling to me until you realize its ok to play with this new friend.
You are such a spitting image of your Papa, and when he is home you follow him around and mimic his every move.
You are obsessed with anything that goes. You are great at identifying all of them- semi truck, digger truck, big crane, tractor, mail truck..
You make up your own words. Baa-po (some kind of Popsicle), Gocco (coloring), Who-dain (which I have no idea.. but I think it has something to do with playing)

You can be so sweet with your little brother. You stick up for him when other kids are around, and act like his own little bodyguard.

Which you are, with only 4 pounds between you and him, he would trample you if he could walk.

But you make him smile and laugh in ways that no one else can.

You make me feel proud to be a mom, and remind me how lucky I am every day.

Happy 3rd birthday Cristian.


Anonymous said...

So sweet! Happy Day C!

Lina said...

Happy birthday little one!

CraftGirlAlli said...

Happy Birthday to the little man!

jojoebi-designs said...

happy birthday and congratulations to mom

can you send me your mailing address?

Beth said...

I've been loving 3! Happy birthday, little one!

Brother See, Sisters Do said...

Aw, so sweet! Happy Birthday Big Guy!!

The King Family said...

Happy birthday big boy!

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